Evangelical Press 9
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"By this time the Auca Epic was world news. On Tuesday morning, Dr. [Clarence] Jones had a two-way point to point contact with Dave Garroway on his U.S. Nation-wide Television program. Dr. Jones read the report as Abe Van der Puy had sent it, and then Dave Garroway asked, 'Can these people of the Stone Age ever be evangelized?' Dr. Jones was inspired to answer, 'They have a heart and God can reach their hearts.'"

Issue of The Echo, the newsletter of The World Radio Missionary Fellowship (WRMF). Paper, 8.5" x 11", 4 pages. February 1, 1956. WRMF ran the HCJB radio station in Quito. The entire issue is devoted to the response of the mission community in Ecuador to the deaths of the five men. From BGC Archives, Collection 349, Oversize Drawer 1, Waorani Articles.

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